Marion County Sunrise / Sunset
Sunset at 8:07 pm
Sunset8:07 pmLawrenceSunset at 8:07 pm
Sunset8:07 pmPerrySunset at 8:07 pm
Sunset8:07 pmFranklinSunset at 8:07 pm
Sunset8:07 pmWarrenSunset at 8:07 pm
- Acapaha Ridge
- Acton
- Addison Meadows
- Admirals Cove
- Admirals Landing
- Admirals Woods
- Allen Grove
- Arden
- Arrow Head
- Arsenal Heights
- Aspen Ridge
- Audubon Gardens
- Augusta Green
- Avalon Hill
- Babe Denny
- Baden Manor
- Bates-Hendricks
- Bay Landing
- Bay Ridge
- Bayswater
- Bayview
- Bean Creek
- Beaumont on the Green
- Beech Grove
- Bluff View
- Brendonridge
- Brendonwood
- Bridgefield
- Bridgeport
- Broad Ripple
- Brockton
- Brookhaven
- Buck Creek
- Buffalo Creek
- Buttonwood Crescent
- Camby
- Cameron Meadows
- Canterbury
- Carson Heights
- Carson Square
- Castle Knoll Farms
- Castleton
- Castleton Farms
- Cedar Park
- Cedar Spring
- Central Indianapolis
- Chapel Glen
- Charlevoix Lake
- Chatham-Arch
- Chesapeake
- Cheswick
- Chippewa Lakes
- Christian Park
- Clermont
- Cobblestone
- College Commons
- Copperfield
- Cottage Home
- Creekside Woods
- Crooked Creek Civic League
- Crown Hill
- Crows Nest
- Crystal Pointe
- Cumberland
- Dakota Ridge
- Darby Court
- Delaware Trails South
- DeVille Place
- Devington
- Devonshire
- Diamond Pointe
- Drexel Gardens
- Driftwood Hills
- Eagle Cove
- Eagle Creek
- Eagle Creek Airpark
- Eagle Creek Woods
- Eagle Nest
- Eagle Pines
- Eagledale
- Eagles Landing
- Eagles Watch
- East Avalon Hills
- Eastgate
- Eastwood
- Echo Pointe
- Emerson Heights
- Englewood
- English Crossing
- Ethel Acres
- Fairfax
- Fall Creek Manor
- Farhill Woods
- Farley
- Farmington
- Feather Cove I
- Feather Cove II
- Feather Cove III
- Fieldstone and Brookstone
- Fletcher Place
- Forest Commons
- Forest Hills
- Fountain Springs
- Fountain Square
- Foxfire
- Franklin
- Franklin Gardens
- Gateway West
- Glen Cove
- Glenroy Village
- Grace Tuxedo Park
- Grand View Acres
- Greenbriar
- Greythorne
- Guion Lakes
- Hangar Fly Ultralight Fly Club Ultralight Flightpark
- Harding
- Harrison Ridge
- Hawthorne
- Herron Morton
- Highland Vicinity
- Highland-Kessler
- Highlands
- Hillside
- Historic Meridian Park
- Holy Cross
- Homecroft
- Hunters Ridge
- Huron Lakes
- Indian Lake
- Indianapolis
- Indianapolis International Airport
- Indianapolis Motor Speedway
- Indianapolis Zoo
- Irongate
- Irvington
- Ivy Hills
- Lake Kesslerwood
- Lawrence
- Lawrence Woods
- Liberty Creek North
- Liberty Creek South
- Lighthouse Landing
- Lilly Recreation Park
- Lincolnwood
- Lockerbie Square
- Mapleton-Fall Creek
- Mars Hill
- Marshall Field
- Martindale-Brightwood
- Mayfair
- Maywood
- Meridian Hills
- Meridian Woods
- Meridian Woods Park
- Meridian-Kessler
- Michigan-Highland
- Misty Lake
- Oakhill
- Oakland Hills at Geist
- Oakland Woods
- Oaklandon
- Old Northside
- Oldfields
- Oliver Johnsons Woods
- Orchard
- Orchard Park
- Oxbow
- Parkview
- Perry
- Perry Manor
- Persimmon Creek
- Persimmon Ridge
- Pickwick Commons
- Pike Township
- Post-Air Airport
- Ransom Place
- Ravenswood
- Raymond Park
- Reagan Park
- Reflections at Waterwood
- Renaissance Place
- Richling Acres
- Richmond Hill
- Ridge Hills Trails
- Rocky Ripple
- Rolling Ridge
- Ropkey Field
- Rosewood
- Rumford Eastway Manor
- Salem Creek
- Scarborough Lake
- Scarborough Village
- Sebring Court
- Shelton Heights
- Sherwood Forest
- South Village
- Southdale
- Southern Oaks
- Southern Springs
- Southgate Farms
- Southport
- Southwestway Park
- Speedway
- Spring Hill
- Spring Mill Heights
- St Joseph Historic Neighborhood
- Stratford
- Summerfield South
- Sungate
- Sunset
- Sunshine Gardens
- Sycamore Heights
- Sylvan Ridge
- The Hamptons at Geist
- The Highlands at Geist
- The Timbers of Indianapolis
- The Village of Orchard Park
- Traders Cove on the Lake
- Traders Point
- Tuxedo Park
- Walden Trace
- Wanamaker
- Warfleigh
- Warren
- Warren Park
- Warren Woods
- Washington
- Waterwood at Eagle Creek
- Watson Farms
- Watson-McCord
- Wellington Park Heights
- West Edgewood
- West Indianapolis
- West Lake
- West Newton
- West Side
- Westmount Park
- Westridge
- Westwood
- Whispering Pines
- Wichita Hill
- Wildwood
- Wildwood Farms
- Williams Creek
- Winchester Village
- Wind Drift
- Windcombe
- Windham Lake
- Windsong
- Windsor Park
- Woodland Trails
- Woodruff Place
- Wynnedale