Jefferson County Sunrise / Sunset
Sunset at 8:05 pm
Sunset8:05 pmSt MatthewsSunset at 8:05 pm
Sunset8:05 pmNewburgSunset at 8:05 pm
Sunset8:04 pmJeffersontownSunset at 8:04 pm
- Ballardsville
- Bancroft
- Bannon
- Barbourmeade
- Bashford Manor
- Beechland Beach
- Beechmont
- Beechwood Village
- Belknap
- Bellemeade
- Bellewood
- Blackacre State Nature Preserve
- Blue Ridge Manor
- Bolling Brook
- Bon Air
- Boston
- Bowman
- Bowman Field
- Bradford Commons
- Bradley
- Briarwood
- Bridges of Razor Creek
- Broad Fields
- Broeck Pointe
- Brownhurst Manor
- Brownsboro Farm
- Brownsboro Village
- Brownsboro Zorn
- Butchertown
- California
- Cambridge
- Camp Taylor
- Cherokee Gardens
- Cherokee Park
- Cherokee Seneca
- Cherokee Triangle
- Cherrywood Village
- Chickasaw
- Churchill Downs
- Clifton
- Clifton Heights
- Cloverleaf
- Coffee Tree Crossings
- Coldstream
- Creekside
- Crescent Hill
- Crossgate
- Gardiner Lane
- Germantown
- Glenview
- Glenview Hills
- Glenview Manor
- Goose Creek
- Graymoor-Devondale
- Green Spring
- Greenwood
- Grenden Fields
- Hallmark
- Harrods Creek
- Hawthorne
- Hayfield Dundee
- Hazelwood
- Heritage Creek
- Hickory Hill
- Highgate Springs
- Highland Park
- Highlands
- Highlands Douglass
- Highview
- Hikes Point
- Hills and Dales
- Hollow Creek
- Hollyvilla
- Hopewell
- Houston Acres
- Hurstbourne
- Hurstbourne Acres
- Lake Forest
- Langdon Place
- Limerick
- Lincolnshire
- Louisville
- Louisville CBD
- Louisville International Airport Standiford Field
- Lyndon
- Lynnview
- Manor Creek
- Meadow Vale
- Meadowbrook Farm
- Medora
- Merriwether
- Middletown
- Mockingbird Valley
- Moorland
- Murray Hill
- Park Duvalle
- Park Hill
- Park Hill Houses
- Parkland
- Parkway Village
- Parkwood
- Penile
- Phoenix Hill
- Plantation
- Pleasure Ridge Park
- Plymouth Village
- Poplar Hills
- Poplar Level
- Portland
- Prestonia
- Prospect