St Louis County Sunrise / Sunset
Sunset at 7:38 pm
Sunset7:36 pmDuluthSunset at 7:36 pm
Sunset7:40 pmHibbingSunset at 7:40 pm
Sunset7:36 pmElySunset at 7:36 pm
- Adolph
- Aerie Lake
- Agassa Lake
- Agnes Lake
- Airpark
- Alborn
- Alden Lake
- Amity Park
- Amundsen Lake
- Anchor Lake
- Anderson Airport
- Anderson Bay
- Angleworm Lake
- Angora
- Argo Lake
- Armstrong Bay
- Armstrong Lake
- Arnold
- Arrowhead Lake
- Arthur Lake
- Artichoke Lake
- Ash Lake
- Astrid Lake
- Aurora
- Babbitt
- Baby Grand Lake
- Bailey Lake
- Ban Lake
- Barnes SPB
- Barrs Lake
- Bassett
- Bassett Lake
- Batista Lake
- Battle Lake
- Bay Lake
- Bay View School Forest
- Baylis Lake
- Bayview Heights
- Bear Head Bay
- Bear Head Lake
- Bear Head Lake State Park
- Bear Island Lake
- Bear Island Reservoir
- Bear Lake
- Beartrack Lake
- Beartrap Lake
- Beast Lake
- Beaver Lake
- Bell Lake
- Bennett Park
- Berg Lake
- Bergen Lake
- Bezhik Lake
- Big Moose Lake
- Birch Bay
- Birch Lake
- Biwabik
- Black Bay
- Black Duck Lake
- Blue Fin Bay
- Blueberry Lake
- Bob Bay
- Bog Lake
- Boot Lake
- Bootleg Lake
- Bottle Lake
- Boulder Lake Reservoir
- Bowman Bay
- Breda Lake
- Brewer Park
- Briar Lake
- Brimson
- Britt
- Brooklyn
- Brookston
- Brown Lake
- Browns Bay
- Buck Lake
- Bug Lake
- Buhl
- Bungalow Bay
- Bunggee Lake
- Burnett
- Burntside
- Burntside Islands SNA
- Burntside Lake
- Bushmen Lake
- Butterball Lake
- Buyck
- Bystrom Bay
- Cable Bay
- Cadotte Lake
- Cameron Lake
- Canal Park
- Canfield Portage Bay
- Canosia State Wildlife Management Area
- Canyon
- Carey Lake SPB
- Caribou Lake
- Carlson Lake
- Carson Park
- Cedar Island Lake
- Celina
- Central Hillside
- Chad Lake
- Cherry
- Chester Park
- Chisholm
- Chisholm Memorial Park
- Chisholm-Hibbing Airport
- Christenson Point SPB
- Chub Lake
- Clark Lake
- Clearwater Lake
- Cloquet Valley
- Cody
- Coe Lake
- Colby Lake
- Comstock Lake
- Congdon Park
- Cook
- Cook Municipal Airport
- Cooks Lake
- Coons Lake
- Corner Lake
- Cotton
- Coxey Pond
- Crab Lake
- Cranberry Bay
- Crane Lake
- Croxton Pond
- Cruiser Lake
- Culver
- Cummings Lake
- Cusson
- Daisy Bay
- Daley Bay
- Dark Lake
- Day Lake
- Deep Lake
- Deep Slough
- Denfeld
- Dent Lake
- Dewey Lake
- Dinham Lake
- Dodo Lake
- Dogfish Lake
- Doherty Lake
- Dollar Hide Bay
- Dovre Lake
- Downtown-Waterfront
- Dry Lake
- Duck Bay
- Duck Lake
- Duluth
- Duluth Harbor Basin
- Duluth Heights
- Duluth International Airport
- Dunka Bay
- Eagle Lake
- Eagles Nest
- Eagles Nest Lake Number Three
- Eagles Nest SPB
- East Bass Lake
- East Hillside
- East Loon Bay
- Echo Lake
- Ed Shave Lake
- Eier Lake
- Ek Lake
- Eldes Corner
- Elephant Lake
- Elliott Lake
- Elmer
- Ely
- Ely Lake
- Ely Municipal Airport
- Embarrass
- Embarrass Lake
- Emerald Lake
- Endion
- Enger Park
- Esquagama Lake
- Eugene Lake
- Eveleth
- Eveleth Taconite Tailings Basin
- Eveleth-Virginia Municipal Airport
- Everett Lake
- Everetts Bay
- Fairbanks
- Fairmount
- Fairmount Park
- Fairy Lake
- Fat Lake
- Fayal Township State Game Refuge
- Fenske Lake
- Fig Lake
- Finberg Lake
- Finger Bay
- Finger Lake
- Finlander Bay
- Finn Bay
- Finstad Lake
- Fish Lake Reservoir
- Fishmouth Lake
- Fivemile Lake
- Floodwood
- Floodwood Lake
- Fond du Lac
- Fond Du Lac Park
- Forbes
- Foss Lake
- Four Corners
- Fourmile Lake
- Franklin Lake
- Frazer Bay
- Fredenberg
- Fredenberg Lake
- Friday Bay
- Frying Pan Lake
- Furaganger Bay
- Gannon Lake
- Gansey Lake
- Gary
- Ge-be-on-e-quet Lake
- George Lake
- Gheen Corner
- Gilbert
- Glendale
- Goat Hill
- Gowan
- Gowan Lake
- Grand Lake
- Grass Lake
- Grassy Bay
- Grassy Lake Bay
- Grassy Point
- Greaney
- Green Lake
- Greenwood Bay
- Gull Lake
- Gustafson Lake
- Half Moon Lake
- Hammer Bay
- Harnell Park
- Harnett Lake
- Harris Lake
- Hartley Park
- Hartman Park
- Hautala Lake
- Hawk Ridge
- Head of the Lakes Bay
- Headquarters Lake
- Hearding Island State Wildlife Management Area
- Heikkila Lake
- Heikkilla Lake
- Heritage Lake
- Heritage Park St Louis
- Hermantown
- Hibbing
- Hibbing Taconite Tailings Basin
- High Lake
- Hitchcock Bay
- Hobo Lake
- Hobson Lake
- Holy Lake
- Home Lake
- Hoodoo Lake
- Hook Lake
- Hoyt Lakes
- Hunter Lake
- Hunters Park
- Hustler Lake
- Independence
- Indian Bay
- Indian Lake
- Indian Point Park
- Iron Junction
- Iron Lake
- Irons Point SPB
- Irving
- Isaac Lake
- Island Lake Reservoir
- Jacobs Lake
- Janet Lake Wayside Park
- Janette Lake
- Jasper Peak Wayside Park
- Jennette Pollay Park
- Johnsons Sea Landing SPB
- Jorgens Lake
- Joseph Lake
- Junction Bay
- Kabetogama
- Kabetogama Lake
- Kabetogama State Forest
- Kabustasa Lake
- Kaleva Bay
- Kaunonen Lake
- Kauppi Lake
- Kelly Lake
- Kelsey
- Kelsey Lake
- Kempton Bay
- Kendall Lake
- Kenwood
- King Lake
- Kinney
- Kinney Lake
- Kitchi Gammi Park
- Kitzville
- Kjostad Lake
- Knife River Park
- Knuckey Lake
- Kohler Bay
- Kramer Bay
- Kumpula Lake
- Lac la Croix
- Lady Boot Bay
- Lafayette Park
- Lake Agnes
- Lake Alf
- Lake Augusta
- Lake Crellin
- Lake Elora
- Lake Fourteen
- Lake Jeanette
- Lake Leander
- Lake Williams
- Lakeside Lester Park
- Lamb Lake
- Lapond Lake
- Larsons Bay
- Lavinia
- Leaf Lake
- Leeman Lake
- Leetonia
- Legend Lake
- Lennartson Airport
- Leonidas
- Lester Park
- Lieuna Lake
- Lincoln Park St Louis
- Linden Grove
- Linwood Lake
- Lion Springs Wayside Park
- Little Alden Lake
- Little Bass Lake
- Little Birch Lake
- Little Elbow Lake
- Little Grand Lake
- Little Johnson Lake
- Little Lake
- Little Long Lake
- Little Loon Lake
- Little Mud Hen Lake
- Little Paleface Lake
- Little Rice Lake
- Little Sand Lake
- Little Sandy Lake
- Little Stone Lake
- Little Sturgeon Lake
- Little Swan
- Little Vermilion Lake
- Loaine Lake
- Locator Lake
- Log Bay
- Loiten Lake
- Longstorff Bay
- Longyear Lake
- Loon Lake
- Low Lake
- Lower Comstock Lake
- Lower Pauness Lake
- Lucille Lake
- Lunetta Lake
- Lynx Lake
- Magney Park
- Mahoning Lake
- Majestic Lake
- Makinen
- Manganika Lake
- Maple Leaf Lake
- Marion Bay
- Marion Lake
- Markham
- Markham Lake
- Martin Lake
- Mashkenode Lake
- Mattson Bay
- Maude Lake
- Mc Kinley Park
- McCarthy Beach State Park
- McComber
- McCormack Lake
- McDivitt Lake
- McKinley
- McQuade Lake
- Meadow Brook
- Meadowlands
- Meander Lake
- Melrude
- Merritt Lake
- Mesaba Park Lake
- Miners Lake
- Minister Lake
- Minnesota Point
- Minnesota Point Pine Forest Scientific and Natural Area
- Minntac Tailings Basin Cell One
- Mitchell Lake
- Moon Lake
- Moose Bay
- Morcom Lake
- Morgan Lake
- Morgan Park
- Morley Heights
- Mountain Iron
- Mouse Lake
- Muckwa Lake
- Mud Bay
- Mud Hen Lake
- Mud Lake
- Mudro Lake
- Mukooda Lake
- Munger
- Murphy Lake
- Muskego Bay
- Myrtle Lake
- Namakan SPB
- Napoleon B Merritt Park
- Nebraska Bay
- Needle Boy Lake
- Neewin Lake
- Neff Lake
- Nels Lake
- Net Lake
- Nett Lake
- Never Fail Bay
- New Duluth
- Nichols Lake
- Niles Bay
- Nina Moose Lake
- Niswi Lake
- North Arm
- North Arm Trout Lake
- North Bay St Louis
- North Country SPB
- North Hegman Lake
- North Lake
- North Shore
- North Twin Lake
- Norton Park
- Norway Lake
- Norwegian Bay
- Nspc Initial Tailings Basin
- OLeary Lake
- Observation Hill
- Old Dutch Bay
- Olson Bay
- One Pine Lake
- Oneota
- Onniack Lake
- Orr
- Orr Bay
- Orr Regional Airport
- Oslo Lake
- Otter Lake
- Otto Lake
- Outlet Bay
- Oyster Lake
- Palmers
- Palo
- Paradise Lake
- Park Point
- Park Point Recreation Area
- Parkville
- Parkwood
- Pauline Lake
- Payne
- Pearl Lake
- Peary
- Peils Vermillion Wings SPB
- Pelican Lake
- Pelican Lake SPB
- Pepelnjak Southside Park
- Peyla
- Pfeiffer Lake
- Picketts Lake
- Piedmont Heights
- Pike Bay
- Pike Field
- Pike Lake
- Pike River Flowage
- Pike River Recreation Site
- Pike River Wayside Park
- Pineville
- Pioneer Lake
- Pleasant Lake
- Pocket Lake
- Prairie Lake
- Proctor
- Prosit
- Purvis Lake
- Putnam Lake
- Ramshaw
- Ramshead Lake
- Randolph Bay
- Range Line Lake
- Rat Lake
- Rice Lake Reservoir
- Rices Point
- Riverside St Louis
- Robertson Field
- Robinson
- Robinson Lake
- Rock Lake
- Rocky Bay
- Rocky Lake
- Rollick Bay
- Rollins
- Rose Lake
- Ruby Junction
- Rural Duluth
- Ruth Lake
- Ryan Lake
- Sabin Lake
- Saca Lake
- Saginaw
- Saginaw Bay
- Saint Louis Bay
- Saint Marys Lake
- Salo Lake
- Salt Lake
- Sand Point Lake
- Sandy Lake
- Saturday Bay
- Saunders Bay
- Sax
- Sax Zim Bog
- Sayer Lake
- Schaeffer Lake
- Schelin Lake
- Schisler Lake
- Schlamn Lake
- School Section Bay
- Schultz Lake
- Scotts SPB
- Semer Park
- Serenade Lake
- Seven Beaver Lake
- Shagawa Lake
- Shannon Lake
- Shaw
- Shell Lake
- Sheltons Private Airport
- Sherman Group Tailings Basin
- Shoepack Lake
- Side Lake
- Silica
- Simian Lake
- Sinneeg Lake
- Sixberrys Landing SPB
- Sixmile Lake
- Skibo
- Sky Harbor Airport
- Sky Harbor SPB
- Smart Bay
- Smithville
- Snow Bay
- Snowshoe Bay
- Soudan
- Soudan Underground Mine State Park
- South Bog Lake
- South Hegman Lake
- South Sturgeon Lake
- South Twin Lake
- Spaulding Bay
- Spirit Mountain
- Spirit Valley
- Staege Bay
- Stahlberg-Mohr Airport
- Sterling Lake
- Strand Lake
- Stuart Lake
- Stuntz Bay
- Sturgeon
- Sturgeon Lake
- Sturgeon River
- Sullivan Bay
- Sullivan Lake
- Sunday Bay
- Sunday Lake
- Sunshine Lake
- Susan Bay
- Susan Lake
- Swamp Lake
- Swan Field
- Swan Lake
- Swansons Bay
- Swedetown Bay
- Taft
- Takucmich Lake
- Tamarack Bay
- Tamarack Lake
- Thompson Lake
- Thunder Lake
- Tiger Bay
- Toe Lake
- Toivola
- Tommila Lake
- Tooth Lake
- Tower
- Tower Municipal Airport
- Tower Wayside Park
- Triumph Lake
- Trout Lake
- Turpela Lake
- Twig
- Wabang Lake
- Wabuse Lake
- Waconda Bay
- Wagosh Lake
- Wakemup
- Wakemup Bay
- Weir Lake
- Welcome Lake
- West Bass Lake
- West Duluth
- West Two River Reservoir
- Western Lake
- White Feather Lake
- White Lake
- Whiteface
- Whiteface Reservoir
- Whiteface River
- Whitewater Lake
- Whitney Tailings Basin
- Wilbur Luoma Pond
- Wild Rice Lake SPB
- Wilpen
- Wilson Lake
- Winchester Lake
- Winton
- Wiyapka Lake
- Wolf
- Wolf Bay
- Woodland
- Wynne Lake
- Zim