Bernalillo County Sunrise / Sunset
Sunset at 7:27 pm
Sunset7:27 pmSouth ValleySunset at 7:27 pm
Sunset7:26 pmSandia ParkSunset at 7:26 pm
- ABQ BioPark Botanic Garden
- Academy Acres North
- Academy Hills Park
- Academy North
- Academy Park
- Academy Ridge East
- Adobe Acres
- Alameda
- Alameda Open Space
- Alamedan Valley
- Alamosa
- Alban Hills
- Albuquerque
- Albuquerque International Sunport Airport
- Albuquerque Meadows
- Albuquerque West
- Alta Monte
- Altura Park
- Altura Village
- Alvarado Gardens
- Alvarado Park
- Amberglen
- Amole Dam
- Anderson Farms
- Antelope Run
- Apple Valley Ranch
- Arroyo Del Oso North
- Arroyo Del Oso Park
- Aztec
- Balloon Fiesta Field
- Barelas
- Bear Canyon
- Bel-Air
- Biplane Ranch Airport
- Black Arroyo Dam
- Bond Ranches
- Bosque Dell Acres
- Boyds-Leslie Park
- Broadway Central Corridor Partnership
- Campbell Farms
- Candelmen
- Canyon Hills
- Carnuel
- Carolino Canyon Ranch
- Cedar Crest
- Cervantes
- Chelwood Vista
- Cherry Hills
- Chilili
- Cielito Lindo
- Citizens Imp Comm Of Martineztown
- Classic Uptown
- Clayton Heights-Lomas Del Cielo
- Comanche North Park
- Conchas Park
- Coors Trail
- Coronado Park
- Cottonwood Corners
- Cottonwood Heights
- Cottonwood Mall
- Cottonwood Trails
- Countrywood
- Countrywood Area
- Crestview Bluff
- Crestview Heights
- Del Norte
- Del Rey R
- Del Rio Acres
- Desert Highlands At High Desert
- Desert Spring Flower
- Don Felipe
- Double Eagle
- Double Eagle II Airport
- Downtown Alburquerque
- Eagle Ranch
- Eastrange-Piedra Vista
- Eastridge
- Eisenhower Area
- Elder Homstead
- Eldorado Heights
- Elena Gallegos Grant
- Embudo Canyon
- Encanto Village Hoa
- Enchanted Park
- Executive Hills
- Fair Heights
- Fair West
- Fisher Ranch
- Five Hills
- Five Points
- Forest Meadow Ranch
- Four Hills Mhp
- Four Hills Village
- Gavilan Addn
- Glenwood Hills
- Glenwood Hills South Casa Grande
- Grande Heights
- Grandview Heights
- Graves Park
- Greater Gardner
- Grisham Park
- Guadalupe Village
- Gutierrez Canyon Open Space
- Heritage East
- Heritage Hills
- Heritage Hills Park
- High Desert
- Highland Business
- Highlands At High Desert
- Highlands North
- Hodgin
- Hoffman Park
- Hoffmantown
- Holiday Park
- Hubble Acres
- Huning Castle
- Huning Highland Historic District
- Jackson Area
- Jade Park
- Jeanne Bellamah East
- Jefferson Commons
- Jerry Cline Park
- John B Robert
- Juan Tabo Hills
- Juan Tabo Hills West
- La Luz
- La Luz Del Sol
- La Mesa
- La Reina De Los Altos
- La Sala Grande
- Ladera West
- Las Leyendas
- Las Lomita
- Las Terrazas
- Laurelwood Park
- Laurelwoods
- Lee Acres
- Llano Del Sol
- Loma Del Rey
- Los Alamos
- Los Alamos Civic
- Los Duranes
- Los Griegos
- Los Jardines
- Los Padillas
- Los Poblanos
- Los Ranchos de Albuquerque
- Los Volcanes
- Magic Valley
- Manzano Mesa
- Manzano Springs South
- Mariposa Basin Park
- Matheson Park
- Matthew Meadows
- McCoy Dam
- McKinley
- Merritt Acres
- Mesa Airriba
- Mesa Oeste
- Mesa Village
- Midway Ranch
- Mirabella
- Monkbridge Gardens
- Montezuma Heights
- Montgomery Heights
- Montgomery Park
- Morris Field
- Mossman
- Mountain Highlands At High Desert
- Mountain Ranch
- Mountain View
- Near North Valley
- Netherwood Park
- Nob Hill
- Nor Este
- Noreste Park
- North Albuquerque Acres
- North Campus
- North Domingo Baca
- North Domingo Baca Dam
- North Easterns
- North Four Hills
- North Hills
- North Valley
- North Wyoming
- Northeast Valley
- Paa-Ko Village
- Paloma Del Sol
- Palomas Park
- Panorama Heights
- Paradise Greens
- Paradise Heights
- Paradise Hills Civic
- Paradise Terrace
- Parkland Hills
- Parkway
- Pat Hurley
- Peppertree-Royal Oak
- Phil Chacon Park
- Piedras Marcadas
- Piedras Marcadas Canyon
- Plaza Vieja
- Pleasant Valley
- Pleasant View
- Ponderosa Pine
- Princess Jeanne
- Prospectors Ridge
- Rancho Grande
- Rancho Sereno
- Rancho Verde
- Ranchos Bonitos De Chilili
- Renaissance
- Richland Heights
- Richland Hills
- Rio Bravo State Park
- Rio Grande Blvd
- Rio Grande Compound
- Rio Grande Nature Center State Park
- Riverview Heights
- Row One North
- Royal Acres
- S Y Jackson
- Sr Marmon
- Saltillo
- San Antonito
- San Gabriel
- San Jose
- Sandia Foothills Open Space
- Sandia Heights South
- Sandia High School Area
- Sandia Knolls
- Sandia Mountain Ranch
- Sandia Park
- Sandia Peak Ski Area
- Sandia Ridge
- Santa Barbara-Martineztown
- Saragossa
- Sawmill Area
- Sedillo
- Sedillo Vista
- Seven Bar North
- Seven Bar Ranch
- Seville
- Shadow Hills
- Shooting Range State Park
- Siesta Hills
- Silver Hill
- Singing Arrow
- Singing Arrow Park
- Skies West
- Skyview Acres
- Skyview West
- Snow Heights
- Sombra Del Monte
- Sonora
- South Atrisco
- South Broadway
- South Domingo Baca Dam
- South Guadalupe Trail
- South Hills
- South Los Altos
- South San Pedro
- South Valley
- Southeast Heights
- Southside Farms
- Southwest Mesa
- Spruce Park
- Stardust Skies North
- Stardust Skies Park
- Steeplechase
- Stinson Tower
- Stonebridge Pointe
- Story Rock
- Stronghurst
- Summit Park
- Sundance Mountain Ranches
- Sunny Suburbs
- Sunport
- Sunrise Homeowners
- Sunset Ranch
- Supper Rock
- Swinburne Dam
- Sycamore
- Sycamore Plaza
- Tablazon Meadows
- Tanoan Comm
- Tanoan East
- Taylor Ranch
- The Villas-Luke Town
- Thomas Village
- Thomas Village Patio
- Tierra Oeste
- Tijeras
- Tinnin Farms
- Tower Pond Park
- Towne Park
- Trails At Seven Bar Ranch
- Tranquillo Pines
- Triangle Ranch
- Trumbull Village
- Tuscany
- Twin Pines
- Universal Business Parks
- University Heights
- University Of New Mexico Airport Parcel
- University West
- Uptown
- USS Bullhead Memorial Park
- Valle Grande
- Valley Gardens
- Vecinos Del Bosque
- Ventana Ranch
- Victory Hills
- Vineyard
- Vista Bonita
- Vista De Manana
- Vista Del Mundo
- Vista Del Norte Alliance
- Vista Grande
- Vista Magnifica
- Vista Sandia
- Volcano Cliffs
- Volcano Ranch Park
- Wells Park
- West Bluff
- West Mesa
- West Of Westland
- West Old Town
- West Park
- Western Terrace
- Westgate Dam
- Westgate Vecinos
- Westland North
- Westland Row
- Whispering Spirit Ranch
- Wildflower Area
- Wildflower Park
- Willow Wood
- Winrock South
- Winterwood Park
- Woodlands
- Zuni